learn_bcDBN is a Java implementation of a learning algorithm for consistent k-graph dynamic Bayesian networks (cDBN) and BFS-consistent k-graph dynamic Bayesian networks (bcDBN) . The program receives a data set with multivariate longitudinal categorical observations and outputs the optimal structure. The algorithm has polynomial time complexity in the number of attributes and observations.
If you use learn_bcDBN in your research please cite:
José L Monteiro, Susana Vinga, and Alexandra M Carvalho. Polynomial-time algorithm for learning optimal tree-augmented dynamic Bayesian networks. In UAI, pages 622–631, 2015.
In tDBN the input file format is described.
By executing the following .jar file:
$ java -jar learn_bcDBN.jar
The command line options are:
-c,--compact Outputs network in compact format, omitting
intra-slice edges. Only works if specified
together with -d and with --markovLag 1.
-d,--dotFormat Outputs network in dot format, allowing
direct redirection into Graphviz to
visualize the graph.
-i,--inputFile <file> Input CSV file to be used for network
-m,--markovLag <int> Maximum Markov lag to be considered, which
is the longest distance between connected
time-slices. Default is 1, allowing edges
from one preceding slice.
-ns,--nonStationary Learns a non-stationary network (one
transition network per time transition). By
default, a stationary DBN is learnt.
-o,--outputFile <file> Writes output to <file>. If not supplied,
output is written to terminal.
-p,--numParents <int> Maximum number of parents from preceding
-pm,--parameters Learns and outputs the network parameters.
-r,--root <int> Root node of the intra-slice tree. By
default, root is arbitrary.
-s,--scoringFunction <arg> Scoring function to be used, either MDL or
LL. MDL is used by default.
-cDBN,---cDBN Learns cDBN structures. The default is tDBN structures.
-bcDBN,---bcDBN Learns bcDBN structures. The default is tDBN structures.
-ind,---intra_ind In-degree of the intra-slice transition
Consider the data set cDBN1_5000.csv. The following command:
java -jar learn_bcDBN.jar -i cDBN1_5000.csv -p 1 -o res_cDBN -s MDL -cDBN -ind 2 -d
Produces the follwing structure:
And the following command:
java -jar learn_bcDBN.jar -i cDBN1_5000.csv -p 1 -o res_bcDBN -s MDL -bcDBN -ind 2 -d
Produces the follwing structure: